Sunday, September 27, 2009

Piper at 1 month

In my pre-blogging days, I sent out e-mail blasts to "Mason's list" on each of his "monthly" birthdays. Once he hit one year, we graduated to the blog ... so here we are. I'll try to post all Piper's pertinent info here each month so all interested parties can follow her growing progress!

Here she is with her special teddy bear that Mason built for her with the help of some Great Aunties back on our trip to Colorado. Great Aunt Patty took the cap home with her and had it embroidered with her name and a little rose (Piper Rose, get it?!) and sent it once she was born. So, expect the teddy to be a mainstay in these pics so we can see how she overtakes it in size, eventually!

At her one-month checkup, she was 9 pounds, 15.7 ounces. Had she not left a present in her diaper just before hopping on the scales, she would have tipped it at 10 pounds to be sure! Everything checked out a-OK. The doctor was happy with her growth and predicted a blue-eyed baby. Time will tell...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dad-O's home team

As a new-baby gift for Dad-O, I outfitted him and the kiddos in new Cowboys attire. It hurt a bit to do so, but they are a good-looking crew, no?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy to report...

Our Sweet P had her two-week checkup today (never mind that it was actually more like a two-and-a-half-week checkup) and all is looking well. She tipped the scales at nine pounds and is ahead of the curve, gaining 18 ounces in 14 days. So all is well ... and hopefully Mommy will quit worrying about whether her little grazer is eating enough!

She was a good sport at the doctor -- both hers and Mommy's -- and in the sling all day as we ran errands and picked up her big brother from school. Once we got home, she spent some time stretching out on the floor. Here are some shots of her looking oh-so-cute in her little green dress...

Friday, September 11, 2009



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome to the real world

Today was a big day for Mason -- and all of us really -- as he had his first day of preschool! He's attending Central Park East II on the Upper East Side, where we're oh-so-glad to have landed a spot. Turns out even public Pre-K spots (at good schools!) are difficult to come by in this city!

So, bright and early we headed off this morning -- the whole family -- to his first day. Mason was rockin' his new New York Yankees' backpack, which is almost as big as he is. He got a little lift from Dad-O on the way there.

Piper rocked her apple shirt/skirt combo, if only because it seemed fitting for a first-day-of-school sort of thing!

When we arrived at the school, we found Mason's class lined up in the big school yard and waited (nervously, for Mommy) for the big moment when we'd head inside to the classroom. We also managed to squeeze in a family picture.

We headed upstairs to his classroom and helped him find his name on his cubby and unload his backpack, then it was time to say goodbye. Mason handled it the best of all of us, I think. He looked at me and said "See ya later, Mom!" I practically had to beg for a hug and a kiss ... then leave before I started tearing up! Rob gave him one big squeeze and then we reluctantly headed out and hit up the new-parent breakfast down the hall.

Three hours later, Piper and I were back to pick him up and take him out for a special lunch at McDonald's. The first thing he said to me was "I loved school, Mommy! Thanks for telling me about it!"

Oh, kid, if you only knew. I'll have to remind him of that in a few years and often after that, to be sure!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pretty in Pink

Before Grammy left, we snuck out to do a little "girlie" shopping. Thank goodness for gypsy cabs and the new Target/Babies R Us/BJs trifecta of stores across the river. We got plenty of girlie stuff for our new girlfriend.

So far, she's looking like one well-dressed little princess...

Pretty in pink (notice she still has a thing for the dramatic hand across the forehead look):

Her first outing (to Mason's preschool picnic) outfit:

Her first dress:

Rockin' a headband:

And maybe my favorite look of all, hanging with her very loving big brother:

Guess Who?

So, I've got some picture labeling to do. Mason and Piper look nearly identical in their hospital pictures. Care to guess who's who?