Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long time, no see...

So, we went on vacation and admittedly slacked off on our blogging duties for a time, but have plenty to share from our adventures. For one, check out the Gallery from the trip. It's best watched backwards. Let's just say I had some posting problems...

So, yeah, about that trip. We spent a week in Colorado. Went home so Mommy could play bridesmaid in her friend Munira's wedding; Celebrated Uncle Kyle's graduation from high school and most of all spent some quality time with our families.

Here are the highlights:

Friday night dinner at Grammy and Papa's house. Mason loved the swimming pool we set up for him (and filled with pots of warm water).

He also loved the watermelon he ate. Guess he can handle a little more than bite-sized pieces, after all.

Saturday, we went to Christie's of Genessee for Munira and Chris' wedding. Mason called out "Mama" during the ceremony, which made my heart melt.

Sunday was filled with the graduation party. It was a special scene to see all Mason's living great grandparents with him at once.

Monday was a kiddie-fun filled day. We met Auntie Nay Nay, Grandma Alize and cousins AJ and Eli at the Children's Museum in Denver and topped that off with a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese's (second of the visit!) Eli sure likes their Chicken wings...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Watch out for fly balls...or airplanes!

We made the trek out to Shea Stadium last night to take in the Cubs-Mets game, thanks to some tickets from one of Rob's coworkers. We had good seats just down the right-field line but Mason didn't seem to mind where we were sitting in relation to the field. He was much more enamored with the airplanes overhead making their way to/from LaGuardia. Let's hope for the sake of us, and all other passengers on board, he's happy on the airplane tomorrow!

Happy Zoo Day!


Our Mother's Day adventure took us all over the city -- a street fair at Columbus Circle, a bubble-gun hunt in China Town and dinner in Chelsea -- but the highlight was really the time we spent at the Central Park Zoo.

Mace was infinitely more interested in the animals this time than last, although at each stop it took him a little while to realize what he was looking at. Once he did, though, it was hard to pull him away. He loved the sea lions swimming round-n-round-n-round in their tank. He'd exclaim "WOW" loud enough for the whole zoo to hear each time one of them swam by. The penguins and puffins were also big hits, but I'd have to say the star of the day was the polar bear, who delighted us with his swimming back and fourth, coming right up to the window in front of Mason and Daddy on every turn -- and pushing off with his enourmous paws!

Enjoy! We sure did...

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Saturday in the City

Admittedly, we don't spend out Saturday's anywhere except the City (for the most part...) but, today was a particularly action-packed day.

We started off at the Tribeca Film Festival Family Street Fair. We got Mason not one, not two, but three balloons. Apparently, Mason's Mommy and Daddy are knot-tying challenged. In an effort to let him play with the balloons, while preserving circulation in his hand, we each tied one loosely and within seconds, saw it were floating high in the sky. Good thing the balloons were free and plentiful...

After soaking up some sun, we headed to Kidville to celebrate our buddy CC's first birthday party. What a place. We played in a gym. Mason showed off his "ba-ball" skills for all to see. We saw a Little Maestros' concert. Mason showed off his dance moves. On top of that, this place had a staff there to cater to the party's every needs -- including having the pizza carved into bite-sized pieces at each childs' place as they emerged from the concert ready to chow down.

To close out the day, we took a nice stroll through the Park -- mostly because we had to get from the East Side to the West Side and our feet were the easiest option with a stroller loaded down with goodies, topped off with balloons (Macey got another one at the party!) . We took a little time to explore a new playground before we headed for the subway back uptown and boy were we all pooped.

So pooped, in fact, Mason couldn't even keep himself awake for dinner!