Showing off her Barbie band-aids after her trip to the doctor and first round of vaccinations...
And just a cute shot of her sticking out her tongue, because she's found that she has one and uses it for more than just showing Mommy how hungry she is!
We went to the doctor today and she checked in at 23.5 inches long and 11 pounds, 5 ounces. For those keeping track of the numbers, she's in the 90th percentile for height and 60th for weight. Either way, she's growing well! Remember last month's prediction of blue eyes? Well...this month the doctor says "dark" eyes. Different doctor, though, so I guess we'll keep waiting and see what develops over the next few months.
In general Piper news, like I said, she's found her tongue and likes to play with it by sticking it out. It's pretty hilarious when she sticks it out while trying to "talk." I'll try to come up with a video of that sometime soon. She also loves her bouncy seat and seemingly has figured out that by batting the monkey, she can make it sing to her. The baby gym is also a popular attraction and every time Mommy and Grammy are chatting on the phone (which is A LOT) she wants to join in, though always looks a little confused to hear the voice, but not see my mouth moving when I put the phone to her ears!