Mace took to the cabin like white on rice. He had lots of fun toddling around outside picking up sticks, watching Papa work and playing with all those cabin-only tools.
Mommy and Grammy walked Mace across the mesa to the neighbors so we could play on the park in their backyard. Yes, it really was a park! The playground was pulled out of a Winter Park park when the city put in new play equipment and reconstructed in Jim and Sue's backyard. I guess that's an advantage to having acres of land around you.
After naptime, though, is when the real fun started. We packed up a fishing pole and headed to the lake.
Of course, Mason was more interested in the sand, the water and the rocks than in actually fishing!
He didn't seem to mind the frigidly cold water, either, as he slid right down into it, sitting with his legs crossed as it lapped against him and the shore.
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