Monday, March 17, 2008

We're Cracked Out!

Now, in other parts of this fine city, cracked-out means something entirely different than it did at the Mercier house on Friday night. But, I can assure you, our version of cracked-out was totally innocent. We spent the evening painting Easter eggs with Mason and Kellyn. Cracked-out is what Kellyn dubbed Rob's dropping of an egg (thus, cracking it) and what the kiddos would scream anytime another egg was dropped thereafter.

All told, we painted 18 eggs. Seventeen of them survived the actual painting process -- though judging by the nearly all-blue one I ate for lunch today after the shell was removed (see video below...I'm pretty sure there's a connection), I wonder if we shouldn't have been more judicious in catching those cracked-out eggs before they hit the dye.

Mason, as you can see, really liked the act of cracking an egg.

Kellyn was a bit more dainty with hers, preferring the paint-by-brush technique.

And when we finished up, they were both in need of a bath...especially Mason, who was doing his best Incredible Hulk imitation.


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