Upon arriving at Grammy and Papa's house, Mason woke up from his nap, rolled over and walked right over to the toy closet and asked for help opening it. Soon after, he remembered the great outdoors and was off to play in the waterfall. Good news, gang, he seems to have gotten over his fear of grass.
After a day in the city (well, suburbs) we loaded up in Papa's truck and headed for the farm. Mason was a pretty good sport. He entertained us in the truck with some song and dance along with one of his favorite CDs, but we did have to take a break in Limon to stretch our legs at the McDonald's Playland. Note the shirt, he's ready for the farm...
Once there, we fed some goats at Uncle Kenneth and Aunt Patty's. We got in two feedings that day (they have to be fed four-times daily) but Mason was ready for bed by the time the night-time feeding rolled around. Nonetheless, a T-shirt, freshly bathed babe sat in Grammy's arms saying "Feed ... goats? Feed ... goats?" when he saw the bottles come out again.
We spent Saturday at the farm, prepping for the party. Mason and his big cousins found plenty of rocks and dirt to play with, rode a tractor and got as many adults as they could to give them rides on the wagon.
On Sunday, we made a stop at the farmer's market for some fresh watermelon for Mace-man and famous cantaloupe for Mommy before heading back to the 'burbs where we met up with Auntie Nay, and cousins Eli and Asani.
All and all, a great trip. For all the photos, click here.
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