Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas, Mason Style

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends out there in cyber space. What a day it's been! Mason has definitely gotten the art of wrapping-paper shredding down!

Before the presents, though, there was a visit to the Christmas Eve Vigil at our Church, St. Catherine of Genoa. Complete, of course, with a trip up to the altar after mass to see the Nativity. Unfortunately, Baby Jesus hadn't made his debut yet (not until Midnight Mass!) so we'll have to see him next week. Mason did get a kick out of seeing all the animals, naming them off (Camel!) and making noises (Baaa!).
After that, we headed downtown to see the tree. Mommy had been avoiding it, even though it's mere blocks from her office, so we could all see it together -- a tradition we started last Christmas Eve. Mason was SO cute. We told him we were taking him to see the BIG Christmas tree, and all the way there, every tree he saw, well, he thought that was it. When we finally saw the big one, he wouldn't take his eyes off it. Pretty impressive!

We also took in the Snowflake Show at Saks Fifth Avenue before heading home and then over to the neighbors for a party where the gift opening began with some Cars action figures, which, you can guess Mason LOVED.

After reading The Christmas Story and 'Twas The Night Before Christmas, we tucked Mason into bed and waited for Santa Claus. He slept soundly (Mommy couldn't, she was too excited) and it's a good thing, because he needed his energy to open the pile of presents he received:

The aftermath:

The first ride on the new trike -- it was nice enough to go 'round the block!
Now, it's off to eat the Christmas lasagna...


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