Luckily, the weather held out for us and we were able to party on the sidewalk -- other option was our apartment, and you all know how small it is for three of us!
We tried and tried to get a picture of Melissa with all her charges, but this is the best we could do...
Here, the Mason-man shows off his crown. Resident artist/Kaya and Fiona's mom Sandra was charged with the decorating and making the party hats for everyone.
This look...well, we saw it a lot, from a lot of different kiddos -- it is the universal sign for "Oh, No! My balloon got away and is floating up, up, up into the sky!"
This is what Mason did all night -- eat cupcakes. I can count at least three different ones from the sequence of photos on my camera. He kept finding friendly adults (read: not mommy) to give him more sugar, I guess. Smart kid...
Here's the surviving crew -- Kellyn, Fiona, Kaya and Mason, who along with their mommies outlasted all the other party goers.
The most entertaining moment of the night? Undoubtedly when we gave them the cooler full of ice and told them to wash their hands in it (a ploy to buy us some clean-up time). They did that, and then proceeded to dump all the ice, cup-by-cup onto the sidewalk. It was all fun and games until Mason nearly pelted some cops with a cupful of ice and the pile caused one biker to come precariously close to a spill.
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